Tuesday, November 10, 2009

La vita mia

Lately I've been thinking alot about just doing nothing. I think it's because I'm so overwhelmed with school and trying to apply to these places that I just want time to stop for a minute so I can get everything finished...and then time can start again and then I can REST!!!!! It seems like I have something to do every single minute!
On a brighter note...I love to say two things all the time it seems. Rachel and Jamie make fun of me all the time for saying "P.S.....(and then whatever I'm thinking)....."
I also just started saying "Shut the front door"....instead of "Shut the F*** up"...which is such a G-rated alternative. Not that I was saying the latter in a mean way...just after something shocking was said. That was confusing, I think. Oh well.

Finally, I have been having a "short" day...really, a "short" week. Ugh. This basically means that I'm already short....and because of crappy circumstances, I feel even shorter...boo!

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Sorry I haven't blogged in a month..but here are some updates on my life lately....

.........I didn't win Monopoly...but I gained like 5 pounds from eating there every flippin' day!
My parents came to town a couple of weeks ago and bought a bunch of fun things for me...like running shoes :) I guess they saw the added Mcdeezy LBs

I am currently applying to nursing schools all over the country...I guess I wouldn't mind a change of scenery...even though I'd love to live in Arkansas when I'm finished travelling.
Oh, I dressed up as Hannah Montana for Halloween..I know, I rock :) My sister, Jennifer, was Billy Ray Cyrus..circa 1992...mullet and all. Here s/he is!

Finally, last night Jennifer and I hosted the 7th or 8th annual Corbin friends' Thanksgiving! It's so fun to have everyone bring a dish and really enjoy a good plate of food! I was a little stressed, but once we started eating everything went smoothly! My friends, like I've said before, are totally amazing. Each of them really knows how to put a smile on my face in their own way. So, I'm completely thankful for them!

One last thing, it's my oldest brother, Kyle's, 28th Birthday! I CANNOT believe he is that old! whew, how time flies when you're having fun!