Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Rachel and Neill's Wedding Extravaganza!!!

What a blast! My friends Rachel and Neill got married this weekend...and it was AMAZING! It was so much fun to have all our good friends together for such a great celebration!

Ryan went to his cousin's wedding in Dallas on Friday and didn't get back til Sunday afternoon, so he missed most of it--sucks for him...because it was awesome!
Saturday, Aeja, Jonnie, Megan, Jamie, and I somehow all ended up at McAlister's for lunch. Megan and I decided to go after leaving Old Navy(we tried to get $1 flip flops--but the line was to the back of the store so we left) sadness. Anywho, after lunch Aeja, Jonnie and I went to Dillard's to fine me a dress. It took two hours, but we finally did it! Aeja came over and got ready at my house and then we headed to the Rehearsal Dinner. The food was soo yummy!
1st pic is an intense moment with Christian...and the 2nd is Jamie, Cara, and me at the Rehearsal Dinner.

Sunday finally came around and Ryan came home! I felt like we hadn't seen each other in so long! haha. We got all ready and went to Bella Vista for the ceremony...which was GORGEOUS! Rachel looked so pretty in her dress! I love weddings...someday I will have my own :)
The pic below is of Ryan and me at the wedding...sorta dancing?!

Best news of the week; however, is that I got the "go ahead'' from my doctor (the nurse, actually) to drink this weekend at S.O.B.B.E.R!!!! SUPER EXCITED!!!
I do not think the captain is too happy about this news...I think she thought I would be SoBer forever....ya right ;)

Thursday, May 21, 2009


WOW. The events that have taken place since my last post are just ridiculous.
I had such a great time in Florida with Mary Nell and her family. I got a bit of a tan and got to relax!
I got home on Friday night and then we(the fam) drove to fayetteville. We went to Cafe Rue for dinner and beer and had a great time. I think I had a little too much fun, actually. The next morning I was not feeling it....but the captain wanted us to all go together to the drive-thru zoo in Gentry. It was so cool!!! We saw a bird lay an egg and a camel tried to eat the box out of my dad's truck.
At the end of the day, I was in extreme pain and my parents took me to the emergency room. I had apparently ruptured a golf ball sized cyst on my left ovary that was causing internal bleeding. OUCH! I would not wish this kind of pain on my worst enemy.
Now, I am finally home and trying to get better. My stomach is so swollen full of blood that I look pregnant. Hopefully, the blood will reabsorb quickly and I can get back to summer fun!
Thanks friends for all of your prayers and thoughts! I have the best friends ever!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Fun times at the DMV

I woke up around 2 today and was instantly annoyed that it was so late! I had to rush to the DMV to get a new license because my old one is still in Eureka Springs at the Tiki Torch Lounge. I think they decided to close their business and run off with my debit card and I.D....too bad the joke's on them, they couldn't have made it very far with my limited funds. No seriously though....they HAVE NOT answered the phone ALL week!!! who does that?

So, I'm in line and the woman asked me if I wanted to take a new picture....ha! I finally have a good one and now they want me to change it! I was like, 'no thank you, I just got out of the shower and have no makeup on.' Why would I do that to myself!? I learned my lesson the hard way. I don't have my first picture I.D. anymore, but this is about how I looked: poor woman.

I'm off to go run more errands with Ryan. It's funny how I can get him to go shopping with me only when I'm about to leave him for a week. Poor thing has to study for the LSAT while I get to sit my happy bottom on the beach! If you give me your address I will try to remember to send you a postcard!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Hello Florida!

I get to go to Destin on Saturday!!! I haven't been to the Destin since high school--at least 6 years! I am so excited!! My friend, Mary Nell, is going down there with her family and asked me to go along! How amazing are my friends? AMAZING! That's Mary Nell on the left in the pic below. She is from Camden, AR. I met her a few summers ago while taking Organic Chem I&II. We had ALOT of serious/funny breakdowns during that horrible class. To this day, she has to hold me back when I see that professor on campus. What a great friend---she keeps me from committing crimes and takes me to Florida with her!
Of course I had to call the Captain(my loving mother) to ask for permission....and money. I was worried she would say 'no'. I thought she would make me finish my CNA class that I started 2 weeks ago, or be upset that I was asking for more money (I do that alot :)), no, she just wanted to make sure that I could come home to take a family picture. UGH! family pictures are the worst! Let me tell you why.

1. Kyle and Slater NEVER have their hair cut, smile correctly, or stand up straight enough for the captain to be happy.

2. There are 5 kids in my family (ages 20-27), so it's really hard to get everyone together. The perfect example is the picture at the top of this blog--family vacation in Mexico last Christmas. Do you see Kyle? no. He "had to work."

3. Captain is NEVER happy. This is the 8th effin family picture this year! That's a record number of family pictures in one year that she is not happy with!

This one she said would be perfect, except it's at the bar--and I think we are all a little happy if you know what I mean. :)

I have finally gathered the troops for a 2pm sitting on saturday with a photographer. Wish us luck...or I might not be going to Florida after all!
Don't worry friends, Ryan is taking care of Miss Mac for the week! What a great boyfriend!