Friday, October 9, 2009

I'm lovin' it!

Ok, So I freaking LOVE McDonald's!!!!!!!!! I'm serious. I know that alot of people think it's gross and unhealthy..and that's probably true, but I don't care. Five years ago, I came home from a year abroad in Italy. That's around the time I truly fell in love....with McDeezy. I would eat McDonald's every few days...and I LOST weight! Probably because I was running every day..but it could have been the #2, No Onions, and a diet coke. I dunno. I just fell in love with it.

I must confess, I was always a "Wendy's" girl in highschool...but oh no..not anymore. I'm a "McDonald's" girl all the way. I especially love McDonald's during Monopoly. If you don't play, GIVE ME YOUR GAME PIECES! I honestly feel that as one of their most valued and frequent customers, I should win BIG! Don't you agree? So help me out people! Email me your codes at . Thanks!!


  1. Oh I'll email you my codes, but only if we're splitting it!! :) I love your love for Mickey D's.
